System architecture consulting

What is SafeIP™ ?

SafeIP™ is the modern solution for safe IEEE 802.3 communication with the patented extras. SafeIP™ helps you get ahead of the industry. Our communication solutions are standardized but also a total shift to communication safety.

What technology nodes does SILICONALLY support?

Our solutions currently use the GlobalFoundries 22FDX™ Platform. We have chosen 22FDX as we see it as a up-to-date technology for automotive market due to its high-performance compute, low voltage and ultra-low leakage capabilities. We also provide porting services for other node technologies. Contact us for more information!

Is SafeIP™ silicon proven?

Yes! Our agile development methodology enables us to deliver a new tape-out every year. Every solution is silicon proven multiple times throughout its lifetime.

Why SafeIP™ ?

Safety-critical autonomous and automated systems have to react reliable to failures within milliseconds, in order to prevent damage before it occurs. This is what makes our patented developments so unique and relevant.

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All products

Safer, smaller and more efficient than anything before.
For a Giant leap in technology.

Our SafeIPTM detects errors tremendously faster than the products of our market companions. This is existential because in many system-critical processes it is not seconds but milliseconds that count.

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Our mission

Hello future Systems! Are you already working on this?

We are researching new ways to enhance system safety by implementing safety capabilities on the physical layer. With those we are enabling a new generation of fail safe and fail operational systems.

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